The Wallace Bacon Papers comprising 25 boxes are arranged in eight main subseries: biographical material, educational material, correspondence, Philippines trips, class material, research material, addresses, and writings. The Biographical material includes several curricula vitae, personal items relative to Bacon's education, career, and war service, and three short diaries. A partial list of Bacon's publications also is filed here. The Educational material consists primarily of notes from lectures and readings and a few class papers primarily from Bacon's graduate student days at Michigan. The General Correspondence deals mainly with Bacon's publications, readings, and addresses, his work with organizations, and some personal matters. Correspondence arranged in subject folders related to Bacon's committee work at Northwestern and with several scholarly organizations. Of special interest are the correspondence and related material emanating from Bacon's duties as an associate editor of the Quarterly Journal of Speech, his consultation work for the University of Washington, and with Charlton Heston concerning Heston's direction of the movie, “Antony and Cleopatra.” The Philippines material includes correspondence, much it with Consuelo V. Fonacier, head of the Discipline of Speech and Drama, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines (who is one of Bacon's former students).